Beware of the local Jamaicans

This original post was about an unpleasant experience that a young lady had when invited to visit Jamaica by a Jamaican "friend".

I have been asked to remove this post to avoid any further embarrassment.

I have accordingly removed the original post, and any comments it attracted, but this page is staying here as a stark warning to any young lady who gets invited to visit ANY country by a "friend".

Make sure that the person is a genuine friend.

There have been many horror stories in the world's press in recent years, about missing and mutiliated young ladies.

Fortunately this young lady escaped with an unpleasant and embarrassing experience.

Below is the gist of my reply to the original post.

    First of all may I express sincere sympathies.

    Jamaica has no monopoly on people who behave in this manner.

    You may be lucky that this happened in Jamaica, because our Jamaican people are very laid back and placid, and are generally not violent people.

    There have been numerous cases in other parts of the world where the consequences have been very different for young ladies who got themselves into similar circumstances.

    Hopefully you have learned a valuable lesson, even if it was an unpleasant experience.

Comments for Beware of the local Jamaicans

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Mar 12, 2011
Thanks for Your Help
by: Anonymous


You are an amazing person, and people travelling to Jamaica are blessed to have someone like you just an email or phone call away.

Thank you again for your prompt replies and willingness to help me.

You made me feel safe in a country I don't even know.

It is appreciated so much.

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