BOAC Boeing 377 Stratocruiser

by Jamaican

Memories B.O.A.C. Stratocruiser

Memories B.O.A.C. Stratocruiser

My first few flights to England from Jamaica in the mid to late 1950's took over 19 hours on a BOAC Boeing 377 Stratocruiser.

It had 4 piston engines, and carried about 100 passengers.

There were two decks, an upper and a lower deck, and there were 28 berths.

There were usually two refuelling stops. The first at Gander in Newfoundland, and the second at Shannon in Ireland.

Comments for BOAC Boeing 377 Stratocruiser

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Good Old BOAC
by: Anonymous

My first trip in a plane was also on Stratocruiser in 1960 returning from college in England. My parents thought it so amazing to be able to fly from England to Jamaica in such a short time, having only been on banana boats for 12-14days before.

BOAC My First Flight
by: Gillian mulins (Nee' Scotto'Connor

My first flight ever was also on a BOAC Stratocruiser.

"BOAC ... worst on the ground, best in the air" because they wouldn't take off until they were sure that everything was A-OK!

It was Feb 1958, and I had a cruel sunburn acquired a few days prior, deep sea fishing at Blue Water Fishing Club, in Whitehouse, owned by Dr Fred Bailey and his wife Olga.
We caught a Blue Marlin, a small shark and a whole slew of other fish.

We were going straight into the European winter,and I hadn't been in England since I had left it in 1946, aged 8, shortly after WWII.

The Strat stopped off at Gander, and Shannon where we were told that we might not be able to land at London Airport as it was fogged in, and that the plane might have to be diverted to Gatwick.

I was being met in London, and hadn't a clue where Gatwick even was!
Luckily the fog lifted sufficently for us to land as planned.

But to this day I really don't feel comfortable in a plane. Too far down to fall if the engines fail!!

Always glad when I'm back on terra firma!

Back then, people really took flying seriously. Got dressed nicely and all that!

Now, some passengers look like they're going to the beach! Or just got out of bed!

The BOAC Stratocruiser
by: Arthur

Indeed back in the 50's the Stratocruiser which had a deck below the main cabin, was the way our family travelled by air from Heathrow to Kingston!

I recall the stops at Gander Airport in Newfoundland - bitterly cold.

No jetway, so one walked from the plane to the terminal, awaiting the refueling!

A Boring Experience
by: Michael DeLeon

Yea....I remember.

You could only get it from Mo Bay.

What a boring experience. It felt like it took days.

What I don't remember is where it stopped on the way. I know on one flight we stopped in Gander.

I also vaguely remember being on a flight from MoBay to London and the British Prime minister was onboard. He had visited JA.

I was quite young so the whole thing is vague.

Remember the bar downstairs though.

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