Jamaica ... 50 Years of Independence

by Tamika Williams
(Camrose Village, St James)

Buckingham School Camrose Vilage Face Painting<br>Click Other Photos to Enlarge

Buckingham School Camrose Vilage Face Painting
Click Other Photos to Enlarge

The days leading up to the celebration of our 50th anniversary of Independence were charged with excitement for every Jamaican at home and abroad, and Jamaica was be-decked in fabrics of black, gold and green.

Our athletes have done us proud, and there was pandomonium in the streets all over Jamaica yesterday, after the running of the men's 100m final, with Jamaica's Usain Bolt copping the gold, and the beast, Yohan Blake, the silver.

Looking back over the last fifty years it is my view that without our musicians, athletes and artists Jamaica would probably still be in the dark ages.

Bob Marley is a perfect example of how we have evolved in the last fifty years.

In 1962 rastafarians were outcasts and it was Bob Marley who introduced our music, culture and hair style to the world.

He was a person the masses respected, and in the 70's when the then PNP government called a peace concert to stop the senseless killings in Kingston it was Bob who got both political leaders to shake hands, and dance together on stage.

This brought about the needed cease fire which led to a decrease in the killings.

When he died it was a loss to the country, but he had done his job.

He shared jamaica with the world and his death propelled Jamaica and her people into the lime light. No other person has done for Jamaica what Bob has.

In many ways we have moved forward in the past 50 years.

We no longer have children going to school barefooted.

We no longer have a case where families have to choose only one child ... the most brilliant ... to go to school.

But still, many Jamaicans did not feel as if they had anything to celebrate.

There is a lack of water in so many communities.

The roads are in the worst condition they have been in since independence. Many are undrivable.

Our power supply is unreliable ... and the list goes on.

But today despite all of Jamaica having a power black out I feel renewed hope.

As the Buckingham Primary School in Camrose celebrated Jamaica's golden jubilee, I saw some glimmer of hope.

I saw many fathers sitting with their families, playing with their children actively taking part in the function. Gone are the days when it would be mostly women and children.

Fathers are now getting involved and interested in raising their children.

Sitting at the head table were pastor Anderson, Mr Graham of the ruling PNP, Mrs B. Taylor of the JLP, and a member of the school board.

One boy, Javon stood out as he recited his silver medal piece by Louise Bennett.

Two young girls ages 12 and 9 wrote and presented their messages on our celebration.

There was time for fun too, facepainting, flag raising, releasing of fifty balloons and the higlight of the day was the donkey who was so child friendly.

I feel that our children have a better chance over the next 50 years.

As a nation we have so much to be thankful for.

Yes there are many challenges but with guidance, honesty, responsibility, hard work and respect for ourselves and others there IS hope.

Let's all get together and make a positive difference over the next fifty years in Jamaica.

Comments for Jamaica ... 50 Years of Independence

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Sep 07, 2012
Well done to the Buckingham School Team
by: Liz Millman

What inspirational comments.

You are indeed blessed and there is much to commend and celebrate.

Here in the UK I was honoured to be a part of the celebration of Jamaican 50th activities.

In recognition of the effort I have asked to see how we can forge school links between Jamaican and UK schools.

"Jamaica in the Square" in Birmingham was a 7 day party! We did our bit for the Jamaican Athletics Team and it seems they appreciated the support for their Training Camp in Birmingham.

Sometimes changes bring unexpected opportunities, and at first the withdrawal of British Council funding for links with schools between UK schools and schools in the Caribbean was a great disappointment, but now we hope to have found an even better way to move forward through the "Widening Horizons" project.

So we hope to at last get the long awaited link for Buckingham School.

I know you don't give up hope Marcia!

Every good wish for this school year.

Liz Millman

Sep 06, 2012
Jamaica 50 Celebrations at Buckingham School, Camrose
by: Marcia Findlater-Dixon

As Principal and the team leader at Buckingham School in Camrose I felt priviledged and grateful for the opportunity to organise and be a part of the Jamaica 50 celebrations.

It was a lot of hard work and planning but it shows that nothing is impossible.

We can achieve much as a school, as a community and as a nation if we join hands and hearts and work together for the common good of the country.

I must elaborate and recognise the re-kindling of the warm Jamaican spirit. The entire celebration was a community affair. Thanks to everyone that supported us.

Jamaica has made great strides.

As we celebrate 50 years of Independence, education has taken on greater significance, and educators are urged to build partnerships with stakeholders as we build Jamaica Land We Love for our future generations.

Sep 05, 2012
Congrats Buckingham
by: Yvette Faye

I'm happy to see the kids not only having fun, but participating in the school's activities, celebrating Jamaica's 50th Indepence & I agree with you on that 'glimmer of hope' for our children's future.

As a matter of fact, they're the 'future generation' of leaders & earthshakers.

I'm indeed encouraged, & happy to acknowledge the fathers who are stepping up to the plate when it comes to nurturing their child/children, with full involvment, (visiting the school/teachers checking on the child/children's progress, donating, assisting in homework, attend P.T.A., partaking/supporting activities, mentoring).

I wish to applaud these fathers on a job well done & things can only get better. Fathers, I implore you ALL to be an advocate for our/your kid(s), as each one tell one, of the joys/ups & down of being not only a parent, but a 'Father!'

The goal is to keep the chain intertwined by not losing a link ...

HAPPY 50TH JAMAICA & don't forget "We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!"

Aug 08, 2012
by: Kathi Sweetcooke

Congratulations! Hope to be a part of such a rich and uplifting event one day.

Aug 08, 2012
Jamaican Culture
by: Myrtle Dwyer

I am delighted to see that we are indeed still living our culture in order that we are more able to share it with the world.

The good old days are very much here.


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