Fay's Story

by Tammy Browne

Montego Bay Animal Haven

There seems to come a point when the strays like Fay ... that are starving, alone and lost ... just give up. You will see them either walking in the road or close by it, head down just walking slowly, showing no interest in anything around them.

Fay had become separated or lost from her mum and litter mates. She was about 8 weeks old and was literally walking in the middle of the road in a busy housing scheme.

Luckily, a friend of the Montego Bay Animal Haven happened upon her before she actually got run over! She offered no resistance to being picked up, just allowed it to happen.

I received a call, being told the puppy was emaciated, had mange and was full of fleas!

She was taken straight to the vet's where I met her for the first time.

Wow, she was a mess!!! And she was a very odd looking little creature, weighing in at a whopping 4 lbs, mostly bald, very dirty, crawling with every known parasite, and very, very depressed.

We got to work! Cleaned her up! Fed her. And she started her new life here with us at the Haven

At first she was way too small to go out with the other dogs, and we also have to be so careful of things like parvo and distemper. So she was isolated for a bit.

Once we knew she was okay, the healing power of the pack went to work. She quickly got to know everyone and showed an amazing softness and gentleness towards everyone who came in contact with her.

Fay was beginning to look like she might end up with a job!

Seen here on 23 December 2012 she has grown into one of the most beautiful dogs ever.

She has her wonderful gentle personality and goes into schools to teach the children just how wonderful dogs can be.

She is so good at the job that even the JSPCA borrow her when they do their school visits.

Not bad for a little girl who had given up eh?

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